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Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Chester May Meeting

Having been away to the lakes for a few days I havent been able to put any posts, I will post and "Up a bit, down a bit" review for this week and last on Friday.

Today sees the start of the Chester May meeting and there are a couple of sprint races which look to be competitive events. I dont think anyone needs to be told that you have to be drawn low here and also have pace in abundance to win and two that have that in the first of the 5f sprint races are Fallasteen and Confessional and they are both well drawn. Fallon looks to be a significant booking for Fallasteen and14/1 is available so he looks to be a decent ew selection.

Later in the aftrenoon another speedster is Noble Storm and he is also well drawn and if he can get to the rail  and the others may struggle to get past.

Tonight Henry Candy's Larwood runs at Kempton and he put up a very good winning performance there last time. Although going up in the ratings he looks to be progressing the right way and his turn of foot will stand him in good stead in any race.