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Friday, 17 January 2020

The Secret to Winning at the Races

I wonder if you have read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne?

It's a book originally published in 2006. A best-selling self-help book based on a film. It is based on the idea that thoughts can change a person's life directly. A lot of people must believe it too as it has sold over 30 million copies worldwide and been translated into 50 languages. 

While some believe every word, others claim the book promotes political complacency and a failure to engage with reality. (Basically, some are saying if you believe all this stuff you are mad).

Others say it isn't new or a secret. 

Scientists have detailed the book has no scientific foundation. 

The book was inspired by a tome written by Wallace Wattles in 1910 titled: The Science of Getting Rich.  

Byrne received this publication from her daughter during a traumatic period of her life in 2004. 

The book re-introduced a perspective from Madame Blavatsky and Norman Vincent Peale that thinking about certain things will make them appear in one's life. 

The Secret details examples of historic persons who have allegedly achieved success by this notion. 

You simply: ask, believe and receive. 

The origin is based on the quotation from the Bible's Mathew 21:22 '' And all this, whosoever, ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.''

The author states the importance of gratitude and visualisation in achieving one's desires and gives examples.

This understanding can be used to gain wealth, relationships, health, and thoughts about the universe. 

Very much a holistic approach to life, living and family. 

Much of the book's popularity can be associated with the appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show. The book has led to merchandising and further book titles. 

Oprah Winfrey is a big proponent of this book. While others have taken a critical stance. Mark Manson, the author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck  says the book is ''full of misplaced cliches, silly quotes, and superstitious drivel''. He called it ''a playbook for entitlement and self-absorption, which anybody who reads it and implements its advice...will likely make themselves worse off in the longterm.''

Others have noted this tradition of New Thought and popular religion isn't new or a secret. 

In fact, the author's understanding and use of quantum physics have been rejected by a range of academics including Lisa Randall. 

Some have called this ''magical thinking'' akin to mumbo jumbo as new knowledge.  

Here's my question: Could you become a better gambler by simply asking and believing in the powers of the universe? 

If so, you may rightfully receive it. 

Happy Punting.

By Jason Coote